Jermaine Thompson
Jermaine Thompson was born in Louisville (Lewisville), Mississippi. He learned language from big-armed women who greased their skillets with gossip and from full-bellied men who cursed and prayed with the same fervor. He’s been writing poetry since he was 13-- inspired by having to memorize Langston Hughes’ “Harlem” for a Black History Program at his church. He has a B.A. in English from Stillman College, an HBCU in Tuscaloosa, AL, and a M.A. in English from Mississippi State University. He moved to Kansas City in August 2015 to complete an MFA in Poetry from the University of Missouri--Kansas City (UMKC). He has publications in The Pinch, Memorious, Whale Road Review, and Southern Indiana Review among others. He currently teaches freshman and junior English at Pembroke Hill Upper School and Black Studies at UMKC. Jermaine is also a board member of The Writers Place—a nonprofit organization dedicated to serving the literary community in Kansas City, Missouri.
Twitter: @JBatesThompson
Instagram: batesthompson
Twitter: @JBatesThompson
Instagram: batesthompson