Originally known as Writer's Read, this show was created by Janaya Martin, in 2016, to promote the literary arts in her Northeast Minneapolis Neighbor hood. Over the course of three seasons she had a wide variety of literary artists from the Twin Cities on the show.
In March of 2019, she decided to step down and hand the show over to Tony Plocido of Cracked Walnut (a chapter of the League of MN Poets). Tony has been booking the show ever since.
When COVID hit, this show was put on hiatus. During this time, an idea was hatched for an exciting rebirth.
This is the all ages show for Cracked Walnut. The show began an exciting new chapter in Fall 2021.
Re-christened Blank Verse, the show is now held at The Book House in Dinkytown, and is focused on bringing new voices into the Minneapolis literary community. It is curated by Trinity Fritz Lawrence–former co-curator of Poets & Pints and local author.
Follow us on Instagram (@blankversempls) for updates!